Papers & interviews with Suzanne Dracius on the web

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Interview with Suzanne DRACIUS by Matt BURNS
(click on) :
the post

IngentaConnect :
"The Fanonian Theory of Violence in Womens Fiction...
the Martiniquan Suzanne Dracius-Pinalie "L’autre qui danse"
(click on) :

MaComère ( The Journal of the Association of Caribbean Women Writers )
Clark University |International Development, Community ...
’Diversity is Coherence : Métissage and créolité in Suzanne Dracius’s "L’autre qui danse" ’
by Odile Ferly, Clark University
(click on) :

« I worked in Tranchida during a stage last year and I had the opportunity to read the book "in advance" : it’s a beautiful book, very interesting and so well-written ! Congratulations ! »
Clara Arosio (Facebook)

 JURNEY RAMOND, Florence "Rewriting Colonial History in Writings by Maryse Condé, Suzanne Dracius" in Representations of the Island of Caribbean Literature, Edwin Mellen Press , USA, 2009.

"Creole Békés : A Matter of Inheritance" : "It was a taboo, in the strong sense," the Lévy-Straussian sense, "of the term," says writer Suzanne Dracius".

Inscriptions of Exile : The Body’s Knowledge and the Myth of Authenticity, by Françoise Lionnet and Joseph Heath © 1992 The Johns Hopkins University Press, Callaloo, vol. 15, n°1 (Winter 1992) pp.30-40 [Suzanne Dracius-Pinalie, "L’Autre qui danse"
(click on) :]
