Martinican writer Suzanne Dracius will be FFRI Visiting Professor in February 2012

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Martinican writer Suzanne Dracius will
be FFRI Visiting Professor in February
2012. A writer and former professor of
Classics, both in France and also at the Université Antilles-
Guyane in Fort-de-France, Suzanne
Dracius is the author of novels, short
stories, poetry and plays. Her novel L’Autre qui
(1989) was a finalist for the Prix
du Premier Roman, and her collection of
short stories, Exquise déréliction métisse,
received the Prix Fetkann in 2009. In
2010, Suzanne Dracius was awarded the
Prix de la Société des Poètes français for
the ensemble of her work. During her
week-long visit to UF, she will be a guest
lecturer in two undergraduate courses
(Haitian Creole, French and Francophone
Cultures) and deliver a public lecture in

 See Martinican writer Suzanne Dracius will be FFRI Visiting Professor
