MESSAGE BOARD : "I like your literature. You’re very talented !!" READERS’MAIL

, popularité : 3%

 Didier Point · September 13, 2015 :
Wow ! Awesome : so poetic, sensitive and Human !

 About "Blood, Sweat, and AIDS", Translated by James Davis :
Peter Staley · April 19, 2015 :
Strong poetry ! Thanks for the translation, James !

 About "Women’s Fantasies", Françoise MICHEL · April 18, 2013 :
very interesting this poem of a woman who is free on everything ;
a pleasure to read this libertine freedom

 Keneth Brooks Collins 1/7/13 :
" Suzanne, you are such a role model for women… I love your profile and your work."

 Nancy Naomi Carlson 11/27/12 :
Thank you, Suzanne, for being my guide...both in Martinique in your amazingly vivid texts !

 James Davis 10/21/12 :
"Everyone please buy my book !!! (Well, it’s not MINE, but I did translate it !) Written by my brilliant friend Suzanne Dracius, "Climb to the Sky" comes out on 11/5/12 and it’s an amazing work of literature... Here’s a link !!! I’ll autograph shamelessly and proudly !"

 Read more : click here : CLIMB TO THE SKY by Suzanne Dracius - details

 James Davis 10/07/12 :
« CLIMB TO THE SKY, My translation of my incredible, beautiful friend Suzanne Dracius’ Rue Monte au Ciel will be published by the University of Virginia Press on 11/5/12. The stories are brilliant, painful, historical, touching...crafted with superb literary finesse and true storytelling. I hope all my friends will get it ! The novella in it should be made into an incredible film ! Thanks to Ellen Satrom for all her strength and guidance and support in this project ! Love to you both ! »

 Nancy Naomi Carlson 01/07/12 :
"I’m extremely excited to report that I am the recipient of a grant from the Arts & Humanities Council of Montgomery County for my poetry translations of the fabulously talented Suzanne Dracius."

Kim Roberts 03/0712 :
" You’ll get Dracius’s nuance, her play with language"…

 Emmanuel Mote June 17 2012 :
Hey beauty !
You are a star... And your light is irresistible... Your face what a poetry !

 Orlando Menes to Nancy N. Carlson, 04/11/12 :
I am delighted to accept your translation of Suzanne Dracius’ poem “Antonomasia in Cyclone Times”/“Antonomase en Temps de Cyclone.” With its intellectual force and lyrical density, it is the perfect poem for the Notre Dame Review.

 Swami OmNamashivaya Param Anandha 04/08/12 :
« Divine Woman Suzanne Dracius
Wish You Happy this Divine Day
You are the Gift,
A Gift from the Universe,
From GOD to the World !
You can get health, wealth & Sophisticated Holly life with Peace

 Nadja Lalanne 04/06/12 :
Thanks, Suzanne ! I love and appreciate your work - I am honored to be able to be in your virtual company where I am learning and enhancing my thoughts thru your generosity of heart, spirit and mind.

 Gentlejoe Pjc 09/07/2011 :
God in heaven give me the head to understand language of other especially the language of Suzanne Dracius<>> french

 About The Other Who Dances :

« it’s a beautiful book, very interesting and so well-written ! Congratulations ! »
Clara Arosio 02/15/2010.

 Hi Suzanne ! How are you ? I stay in the USA for one more year. Now I’m going to the Ukraine for one month. What are you doing ? Are you writing new novel ?
I like your literature. You’re very talented !!
Take care
Inna Korda, Ukraine
July 30/2006

 WordReference Forums > French-English Vocabulary / "jeter des rats morts au visage" : click here
